1. Mental Poisoning

1. Mental Poisoning

In the first Chapter of "Mental Poisoning," H. Spencer Lewis, Ph.D., introduces us to the sensational story of twenty-two explorers who took part in the excavation of King Tutankhamun's tomb, one by one, with many days, weeks, and months in between, all dead. These strange deaths awakened an interest worldwide in the ancient beliefs of Black Magic and Curses. Spencer tells us that the explorers did not manifest the same symptoms except in general classification, nor had identical pathological or physiological conditions, and did not die in the same manner. However, each had the same Mental Attitude and Uncontrollable Fear. I would dare to say each had the same Level of Divine Intelligence (Spirituality). 

Were these deaths simply coincidences? Could they be attributed to Black Magic or perhaps Hypnotism? What kind of explanations were provided by the people? 

Let's delve deeper into it! 

H. Spencer tells us that there are Six Explanations or Perspectives groups for the deaths of the twenty-two explorers who desecrated King Tutankhamun's tomb. Let's start with the Explanation or Perspective provided by The Civilized Population; this group believes that the mystery of those deaths has been intentionally concealed by science and religion, as well as by inconsistent, contradictory, and carefully biased statements from those who know more about it than they are willing to admit. The second group, The Uncivilized Population, states that they are too familiar with the subject to risk the displeasure of Invisible Demons by daring to make any comment.  

In the third group of Explanations or Perspectives, we have The Feature Writer who has exaggerated the historical traditions and the well-recorded references to The Magical Powers of Black Magic to frighten the unthinking into strange beliefs despite the attempts of prominent scientists and leading spiritual or religious educators to make us believe that the weird, unexpected deaths present merely a chain of coincidence, without any connection with the Inscriptions or Warnings Written by the Egyptian scribes on King Tutankhamun's tomb.    

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Mummy of Pharaoh Tutankhamun in his tomb in Valley of the Kings, Luxor, Egypt

However, the fourth explanatory group, The Psychological Experts, tell us that if there were any connection whatsoever between the extraordinary diseases of which each one of the twenty or more explorers passed away and the opening of King Tut's tomb, then that connection was solely Mental and consisted of a form of Hypnotic Suggestion by which each victim created within their body the strange malady from which they died, while still trembling in fear of the thing that they held in their Minds as an inevitable punishment for their participation in a violation of ancient Egyptian law. 

H. Spencer mentions that this hypothesis presented by Psychological Experts does not consider the possibility that the source of the deaths might be the Curse (Warning Inscriptions) written on King Tutankhamun's tomb. The Psychological Experts state that the deaths were due to an auto Hypnotic Suggestion with no relation to the desecrated tomb, and every death started because of the first, perhaps the second, death. Period.      

Is there nothing suspicious in this perspective? From where the twenty-two explorers did catch the Mental Disease that took their life? They were so Ignorant and Mentally Weak that none could counteract the Hypnotic Suggestion? To trigger the Hypnotic Suggestion, isn't it necessary for someone to die in the first place? What was the cause of the first death? Hypnotic Suggestion?  

Was it Hypnotism, Casuality, or Black Magic?   

Can Humans use the Power of Blessing and Curses (White or Black Magic) to give or take a life? Of course, but Psychological Experts do not recognize White or Black Magic as the Force or Weapon that caused the deaths of the twenty-two explorers or desecrators. However, as the evidence shows, the Ancient African-Black Egyptians did know and recognize the Power of White and Black Magic, Blessings, and Curses and used them to protect their King's tomb.   

H. Spencer closes with the fourth explanatory group, saying that the question to the Psychological Experts is, what Science could carry a curse down through the ages and psychologically produce the physiological results in modern times? Hypnotism or Black Magic? Necromancy or Karmic law? What do we have here that Science has not explained and the Lay Mind cannot comprehend but fears?  

The fifth explanatory group, The Chemical Poison, explained that some chemical poisons made of real, tangible material were placed within King Tut's sealed tomb and deliberately spread upon all explorers, excavators, and inspectors who entered the tomb.    

The unthinking Mind readily seizes upon this latter explanation as being logical and so simple and free from the elements of the supernatural to be unquestionably correct. However, The analytical Mind will quickly discover the faults in such a theory because the most minute chemical examination analysis failed to find the slightest trace of any poison.   

Second, although all the excavators, research men, photographers, artists, associates, observers, and witnesses entered King Tut's tomb at practically the same hour on the same day, not all twenty-two were stricken with the "disease" or died in the same manner. Third, no poison would retain its virtue and potency for centuries without losing its effectiveness, except that we are discussing about the Essence of Mental Poisoning, the Utter or Written Words with Evil Intentions, also known as Black Magic. The analytical Mind concludes that the Physical-Chemical Poisoning Explanation must be abandoned.

Last, The Psychiatrists and Metaphysical Explanatory Group, this group astonished H. Spencer Lewis with the following answer:       

"There is but one Insidious Poison that could have been invented thirty-one hundred years ago or more and counted upon to carry out the direful results we have seen, and that poison is Mental Poison!"

Here is how H. Spencer Lewis defined Mental Poisoning in four small paragraphs.    

"Mental Poisoning is, in one form or another, the enslaver of millions of human beings and the torturer of their souls in all climes and conditions. Mental Poisoning has been the weapon of the earliest and most primitive human creatures. It has been the insidious, invisible, undetectable instrument of torture and death in the hands of the unlearned and the learned, the rich and the poor, the high and the low, and even of those who pose as saintly beings and holy men. It has been the "means to an end" in the hands of evil-minded potentates and rulers, physicians and magicians, priests and clerics, schemers, racketeers, blackmailers, and Pretending Friends."  
"Mental Poisoning is, the scepter of power in the hands of self-appointed leaders of social reforms and organized plunderers." 
"It is still the subtle, devilish device of millions of men and women who may or may not be wholly aware of its power and its death-dealing potency.
"Mental Poisoning is, the human slayer by excellence. All of us, from day to day and hour to hour in every walk of life, in every circumstance, are possible victims of its use unless we understand its nature and can quickly recognize its infectious inoculation and use the Only Known Antidote that will effectively react upon it and leave us uncontaminated!" (Divine Intelligence)    

H. Spencer Lewis


May The Light Be With You!