3. The Bondage Breaker

3. The Bondage Breaker

In "The Bondage Breaker", Neil Anderson introduces us to the Essence of Christianity, which is to Free the Captives from Demonic Possessions, Evil People, Evil Spirits, Witches, Sorcerers, False Prophets, Pretending Friends, Narcissists, Psychopaths, or People who enjoy Tormenting and Harming Their Neighbors. To go deeper into this, Dr. Anderson tells us about Nancy, a 22-year-old woman who had a horrible childhood, a father who beat her for not following his "family's religion", and a grandmother who identified herself as a Black Witch.

Nancy, a woman of indomitable spirit, was determined to become the toughest woman in the world. However, her 'guardians' or 'spirit guides' pushed her Mind and Emotions to the edge in a battle she couldn't win. Seeking fulfillment, she turned to the epitome of discipline, the Marines. Still, these Evil Spirits emerged victorious in the Spiritual Battle against Nancy.

Nancy's Physical and Emotional State was dire. She lost her appetite, felt defeated, impotent, and helpless, and her face was covered with open wounds from scratches she uncontrollably did to herself. Unable to continue in the Marines, she retreated into a world of inner turmoil and pain. Finally, she met Dr. Anderson, who (Guided by the Holy Spirit) freed her from her 'guardians' clutches or 'spirit guides' if we can say it, demons.

Is there such a thing as Demonic Possessions? Do demons exist?

Yes, my dear friend, Demon Possessions do exist. As long as Evil People exist, Demon Possessions will also exist. We (As Collective Souls) need to recognize that Demon Possessions result from Naive or Evil People opening "The Hell Portal" through the practice of Spiritism, Witchcraft, or Black Magic.

The real question is not if Demon Possessions exist but if Evil People exist because as long as Evil People exist, Demons will exist. And this is related to the recent story of Danishka Melina Sibaja Mejia, a 22-year-old woman whose body was found in a South Knoxville, Tennessee, home on April 5th.

Daniela (Danishka's best friend) said Danishka was too naive when I asked her how Danishka ended up mingling with these Evil People.

These were Daniela's words:

Danishka always thought the best of people; everybody was a Good Person to her. In her Mind, there was no Evil People.

And this perspective of the world, my dear friends, in a heinous way, practically took Danishka's life. You can not UNITE with everyone.

Here is the problem! We have been taught to love our neighbor as ourselves and to devote our resources and lives to serving others. And this is why so many Good Hearted People end up carrying an unloyal, abusive matrimony or relationship, fighting all their life to convert the Evil Ones to Christianity.

To this perspective or nonsense, finally, you can say goodbye, Good-Hearted Woman or Man. We need God TO PROTECT US FROM EVIL PEOPLE, not TO TAKE CARE OF OR SUPPORT THEM.

Let's take a sample of Israel's State. What would happen if Israel Bestowed (Loved) a Nuclear Bomb to Iran?

Probably, Israel will be committing suicide!! Against who,... is Iran,... going to use the Nuclear Bomb? I would dare to say it is probably against Israel.

Love your neighbor AS YOURSELF!

Completely agree, but you have to use common sense.


Get rid of naivety!

Latawyne Osborne, 39: was not a stranger to Danishka! Allegedly Latawyne Osborne convinced Danishka to drink with him, and that's when Danishka ended up losing consciousness and found herself raped. Danishka was preparing herself to report the crime to the police when Osborne allegedly appeared at her residence with two friends to drug and torture her until she ended up dead.

Does Evil People exist?

You have to be kidding me. Of course, Evil People exist. That's why We Need God TO PROTECT US FROM EVIL PEOPLE, not TO TAKE CARE OF OR SUPPORT THEM. We need to use common sense.

Why does God allow Evil People to exist?

God allows Evil People to exist because, in one way or another, they test and Purify the Hearts and Minds of Good-Hearted People. Without Evil People, God does not have any tool to recognize among the multitude who are the Good-Hearted People.

According to our sages, the Planet Earth is a filter, a Place of Correction, the Purgatory of the Soul (YHVH). God created Earth to Purify Our Universal Collective Soul from Evil.

Evil People will serve the LORD.

And in the end, they will be judged.

As it is written:

The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. 13 The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done. 14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the Lake of Fire. [Revelation 20]

The Time of Justice has come! [Rev 14:7]

Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. [Ephesians 6:12] [The Hell Portal]

Let's begin our journey of Loving Your Neighbor by Discerning "The Bondage Breaker" presented by Neil T. Anderson.


May The Light Be With You!